Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today features the flight gloves belonging to Thomas "Ken" Mattingly of Apollo 13 (removed prior to flight due to measles exposure) and Apollo 16 (Command Module Pilot). Now, we all know there are other pictures of Apollo pressure suit gloves on the 'net. But I took this one myself, whilst perusing the incredible collection of aerospace artifacts at the Kansas Cosmosphere. It's fascinating to see the details of the pressure glove, and the attempts made post-Gemini to make them more easily manipulated.

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Welcome to the Missions to the Moon book blog. This is a place to re-live the heady days of the Apollo and Soyuz lunar programs- perhaps the crowning achievements of the 20th Century. Many blog entries will include a new downloadable image or artifact from the space age- items rarely seen and not available in print. It's all in the spirit of my newest book, Missions to the Moon- to remember the great adventure of the Golden Age of space exploration, and ponder what wonders await us in space.

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